K-2 Science & Tech Lab
This week in the lab...

Kindergartners learned about guppies! We compared guppies to goldfish. We also compared male guppies to female guppies. Each class was given a male guppy and a female guppy to take care of for the week. We were told to be on the lookout, because guppies give live birth! Usually, about 3-5 days after putting a male guppy and a female guppy in the same aquarium, you will see little baby guppies swimming around! Since adult guppies usually eat the babies, it's important to remember to remove the adult guppies after the babies are born, if you want the babies to survive! During technology time, kindergarters created a detailed diagram of a goldfish using KidPix. The diagrams included: eyes, mouth, fins, tail, scales, and gills.

In honor of Earth Day on Friday, April 22nd, first and second grade students learned about composting! We watched a short video that explained how to create a compost bin. Then, we went into the garden to look at Casita's compost and worm bins! Then, we went back to the science lab where we got a hands-on look at the soil from the compost bin, complete with worms!

During technology time, first graders presented their Animal Coverings PowerPoints in the MPR. They did such a fantastic job! A HUGE thank you goes out to all the parents and family members who were able to watch the presentations. The students loved having you there!

Second graders explored Ms. Phillips' website during technology time.

A HUGE thank you to the Humann family who donated an incubator and 26 fertilized chicken eggs this week! The eggs began incubating on Monday, so hopefully on Monday, May 9th we will have hatching chicks! We will candle the eggs next Monday to see if any have begun to develop.

Well, that's what happened this week at 260 Cedar Road. Until next time, stay classy Casita...

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