K-2 Science & Tech Lab
This week in the lab...

kindergartners learned that magnets can attract through solids, liquids, and gasses! Students "went fishing" to learn that magnets still work under water. Students used pole with magnets on the end to try and "catch" fish that had paper clips attached to them. Students also tried this will animals that were hidden under sand. We also learned how to make a paperclip float in the air by tying it to a desk with a string, and then holding the magnet above it. Magnetic force is such a neat scientific concept to learn about!

First graders checked our germy bread from the experiment we setup two weeks ago. The results were very interesting! We learned that things like pencils, glue bottles, and the computer mice all had germs on them which grew mold on our bread. The bread with the most mold had germs that were collected from the water fountain! We were very surprised to find out that the bread that was rubbed inside the girl's bathroom didn't grow any mold at all! This is because our fabulous custodians do such a wonderful job of cleaning our bathrooms each night!

During technology time, we finished our Animal Adaptation PowerPoints! We will be ready to present after we return from Spring Break. Keep an eye out for a flier that will be sent home with your student. It will have more information about the presentation date and times.

Second graders learned about the Salmon Life Cycle. Because we didn't have sunny weather this week, we played a board game inside the classroom, in which each student was a salmon trying to complete the life cycle without being attacked by a predator. After Spring Break (weather permitting!) we will go outside and play Salmon Run.

During technology time, second graders reviewed other second grade inference games. It was a fun day! The inference games will be displayed in the classrooms for Open House, so be sure to come and play your student's game.

Well, that's what happened this week at 260 Cedar Road. I hope you all have a fun and exciting spring break! I encourage you all to step outside and go exploring. You never know what interesting things you will come across! Until next time, stay classy, Casita...
This week in the lab...

Miss Phillips was not at school on Thursday or Friday because she was attending the Computer-Using Educators (CUE) Conference in Palm Springs Thursday-Saturday. While the district approved her to attend the conference, they did not approve for her to have a sub on the two days she was gone. Needless to say, we had to do some class shuffling to make sure every class either came to science lab or technology time this week.

The kindergartners attended technology time and continued to improve their typing skills using Dance Mat Typing.

The first graders attended science lab and participated in the penny boat challenge where they were each given a square of aluminum foil with which they needed to construct a boat. The boat was then tested to see how many pennies it could hold before the boat began to sank. During technology time, students continued to work on their Animal Adaptations PowerPoints. This week, students added pictures to their PowerPoint slides. We are nearing the end of this project. Parents, be on the look-out for a flier that will be sent home with your students that has the class presentation times. We would love to have you attend!

Second graders continued to work on their interactive inference games during tech time. Students added the "interactive" component to their PowerPoint project, by adding hyperlinks to their game. The games are almost finished! Parents, keep a eye out for a flier being sent home with more information on how you can view your student's project.

The Monday STEM class finished up their Assembly Line project this week. The class was divided into two groups and each group had to come up an efficient way to manufacture "Color Bricks." The team with the most efficient method won! Each product had to be inspected by the "Quality Control Department," a.k.a. Miss Phillips, so students had to take into consideration the quality of the product they were producing. It was very interesting to see each group interact and work together to complete the challenge!

Well, that's what happened this week at 260 Cedar Road. I can't wait to tell you all about the educational technologies conference
This week in the lab...

kindergartners continued learning about magnets! Students learned that magnets are only attracted to objects that have iron in them. This is why some metal things like screws and nails are magnetic, and other things like aluminum foil and pennies are not magnetic. Students also learned that each magnet has two sides, or "poles"- a north pole, and a south pole. Opposite sides are attracted to each other and pull together. Like sides repel each other and push apart. Students learned about 4 different types of magnets: ball, donut, bar, and horse shoe magnet. Students tested each magnet to see which had the strongest magnetic force. They did this by sticking a paperclip to the magnet, and then making a paperclip chain down from that magnet until the weight of the paperclips was stronger than the magnetic force. Then, they counted how many paperclips each magnet held and determined the winner!

First graders began learning about germs. We watched a video that discussed the difference between viruses and bacteria, and then we learned about how germs are spread. Students made a list of the top 10 places on campus they thought had the most germs. Then, they collected germ samples from each of these places by rubbing a piece of bread on the surface. Each slice of bread was then placed in a ziplock bag. Next week, we are going to compare the slices to bread to find out which area on campus has the most germs! Students also learned about the proper way to wash their hands. This is a very important process because it helps to stop the spread of germs and keep all our Casita kids healthy! During tech lab, first graders finished typing their animal adaptation sentences into their PowerPoints. Next week we will get to add pictures to our PowerPoints!

Second graders learned about the life cycle of the butterfly. Students have already been observing this life cycle in their classrooms since Ms. Phillips ordered 25 butterfly larva for each room. The larvae made their chrysalises about two weeks ago and should be ready to hatch our as butterflies any day now! Students watched a brainpop video about butterflies, and then made a butterfly life cycle diagram out of various types of pasta. During tech time, students continued working on their interactive inference games.

Wednesday night was the K-2 Star Party here at Casita! It was a wonderful event, with a great turn out! We met on the field at 6:00 and were able to see the Space Station flying over at about 6:20. At 6:30 we began our rotations, which included a visit to the Star Lab Planetarium, creating a take-home constellation chart, and viewing various constellations through Casita's high-powered telescopes which were set up on the field. A huge thank you to Mrs. Cerelli, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Spacher, Ms. Lee, Mr. Karpinen, and Mrs. Bowidowicz who all helped Ms. Phillips with the event. 

On a personal note, this was an exciting week for Ms. Phillips because she got engaged! 

Well, that's the
This week in the lab...

Kindergartners began learning about magnets! Ms. Phillips started off the class by showing the students a little magic trick...with the aid of her secret magnet. Students were presented with the challenge of making a magnet "float" on a pencil. Students then worked in pairs to sort through a bag of items, some were magnetic and some were not. During technology time, we learned the proper way to type the letters "e" and "i" on the Dance Mat Typing website.

First graders learned about wind direction and weather vanes! Students then took a mini field trip to three locations on campus. At each location, students blew bubbles to observe which direction the wind was blowing! We didn't have technology time this week, because we had our Read Across America Day instead! It was a fun day for everyone. Even Ms. Phillips participated in the rotations! Students that visited Ms. Phillips room read a shortened version of the story "Bartholomew and the Oobleck," and then did a short activity with Oobleck!

Second graders learned about the frog life cycle. We watched a video about frogs, and then created an interactive worksheet that showed the life cycle of a frog. During technology time, students continued to work on their Interactive Inference Games in PowerPoint.

During STEM Academy, students explored the concept of Assembly Lines. Students were given the challenge of creating the most efficient way to make "color blocks." The class was divided into two teams. Each team had to work together to design the most efficient Assembly Line. Then, we tested and retested to see which Assembly Line could make the most "project manager approved" color blocks in 10 minutes.

Well, that's what happene