K-2 Science & Tech Lab
This week in the lab...

kindergartners learned that magnets can attract through solids, liquids, and gasses! Students "went fishing" to learn that magnets still work under water. Students used pole with magnets on the end to try and "catch" fish that had paper clips attached to them. Students also tried this will animals that were hidden under sand. We also learned how to make a paperclip float in the air by tying it to a desk with a string, and then holding the magnet above it. Magnetic force is such a neat scientific concept to learn about!

First graders checked our germy bread from the experiment we setup two weeks ago. The results were very interesting! We learned that things like pencils, glue bottles, and the computer mice all had germs on them which grew mold on our bread. The bread with the most mold had germs that were collected from the water fountain! We were very surprised to find out that the bread that was rubbed inside the girl's bathroom didn't grow any mold at all! This is because our fabulous custodians do such a wonderful job of cleaning our bathrooms each night!

During technology time, we finished our Animal Adaptation PowerPoints! We will be ready to present after we return from Spring Break. Keep an eye out for a flier that will be sent home with your student. It will have more information about the presentation date and times.

Second graders learned about the Salmon Life Cycle. Because we didn't have sunny weather this week, we played a board game inside the classroom, in which each student was a salmon trying to complete the life cycle without being attacked by a predator. After Spring Break (weather permitting!) we will go outside and play Salmon Run.

During technology time, second graders reviewed other second grade inference games. It was a fun day! The inference games will be displayed in the classrooms for Open House, so be sure to come and play your student's game.

Well, that's what happened this week at 260 Cedar Road. I hope you all have a fun and exciting spring break! I encourage you all to step outside and go exploring. You never know what interesting things you will come across! Until next time, stay classy, Casita...

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